Rentabiliweb to Pay an Interim Dividend on 7th November 2011

On 12thOctober 2011, the Board of Directors for Rentabiliweb voted for the payment of an interim dividend of 0.20 Euros per share under the 2011 financial year. The declaration date is the 2nd November and the payment, in cash, will take place on the 7thNovember 2011.
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BRUSSELS, ( - comunicati stampa - servizi)

On 12thOctober 2011, the Board of Directors for Rentabiliweb voted for the payment of an interim dividend of 0.20 Euros per share under the 2011 financial year. The declaration date is the 2nd November and the payment, in cash, will take place on the 7thNovember 2011.

The sum of this interim payment represents half of the dividend of 0.40 Euros per share, which will be proposed to the General Assembly of shareholders who are responsible for approving the 2011 accounts. This is ten times more than the dividend paid under the 2010 financial year.

Rentabiliweb has thus confirmed its new dividend distribution policy, led by a cash flow generation which allows it to pursue investments whilst ensuring a return which satisfies shareholders.

View the press release on the Group's institutional website:

About Rentabiliweb

Founded in 2002, the Rentabiliweb Group offers Internet professionals and webmasters a leading platform of website traffic monetization services, namely payment and micropayment solutions. It has been definitively approved as a Payment Body by the Banque de France and as a member of the French Bank Card Group for the provision of online payment solutions. It also runs affiliate programs, offers online advertising space brokerage and interactive voice services for offline media, and provides acclaimed expertise in loyalty programs and Direct Marketing.

Rentabiliweb is also one of the premier French-language publishers, with a package of services spanning the full range of mass-market entertainment including astrology, community services, family games, services for the general public, advice for Internet users, personal ads and dating, women's wellbeing, humour, entertainment and more.

Listed on Compartment B of the Euronext Brussels and Paris stock markets, the Group currently has 20 subsidiaries in Europe, Canada and Asia, with a workforce of about 200 worldwide. In 2010, Rentabiliweb's sales topped €90 million, with an EBITDA up by 39.4% at €16 million.

Rentabiliweb is also a socially responsible company in its sectors of activity, and rigorously applies the ten principles laid out by the UN Global Compact.

The Group is eligible for FCPI investment funds, has received the OSEO "Innovating company" kitemark, and has received PCI-DSS certification for its bank card payment platform.

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