Bombardier pubblica il secondo report sulla responsabilità sociale d'impresa

Ruolo accresciuto della responsabilità sociale d'impresa nella strategia aziendale. Raggiunta la riduzione del 10% delle emissioni di gas ad effetto serra tra l'esercizio fiscale 2004 e 2009 e obiettivo di ridurre le emissioni di un ulteriore 10% entro il 2015.
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Comunicato Successivo

, ( - comunicati stampa - varie) MONTREAL, QUEBEC - (Marketwire - 1 dicembre, 2009) - (TSX: BBD.A)(TSX: BBD.B) Oggi Bombardier Inc ha pubblicato il suo secondo report di responsabilità sociale di impresa relativo alla totalità delle sue attività, dal titolo "La responsabilità come spinta verso il futuro". Il report sintetizza l'impegno da parte della società ad agire in modo responsabile in qualità di società pubblica, datore di lavoro, vicino e partner. Descrive anche dettagliatamente in che modo la responsabilità sociale di impresa costituisca una delle principali priorità della strategia di impresa di Bombardier, "La via verso il futuro"
"A sharper focus on corporate social responsibility augurs well for all of our stakeholders. It underscores our commitment to leverage our industry-leading innovation, talents, products and resources to increase our positive contribution to the communities where we are present around the world," said Pierre Beaudoin, President and Chief Executive Officer, Bombardier Inc.
The report highlights recent achievements and details how Bombardier is laying the foundation to continuously improve its corporate social responsibility performance in the years to come. The report is organized into six sections, reflecting both stakeholder feedback and the areas where Bombardier has the greatest responsibilities: governance, employees, products, operations, suppliers and responsible citizenship.
To improve access and minimize its environmental footprint, Bombardier's complete 2009 Corporate Social Responsibility Report is available exclusively online at /

Highlights include:
- Listing on the Dow Jones Sustainability World and Dow Jones Sustainability North America Indexes for the third consecutive year
- Ongoing and active promotion of the UN Global Compact's principles of social responsibility and embedding of these principles in Bombardier's Code of Ethics and Business Conduct
- Enhanced approach to health and safety to reach the objective of zero accidents and occupational illnesses
- Expansion of the ECO4 portfolio of breakthrough energy-saving rail solutions, which can reduce overall energy consumption by up to 50%
- Continued development of the environmentally focused CSeries aircraft program, which will contribute to the commercial aviation industry's commitment to achieve carbon-neutral growth by 2020
- Recognition as one of the 10 Canadian Climate Disclosure Leaders in the Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 - Canada 200 Report
- Obtained commitment to respect Bombardier's Supplier Code of Conduct from 83 suppliers in Aerospace and over 120 in Transportation to date

About Bombardier
A world-leading manufacturer of innovative transportation solutions, from commercial aircraft and business jets to rail transportation equipment, systems and services, Bombardier Inc. is a global corporation headquartered in Canada. Its revenues for the fiscal year ended Jan. 31, 2009, were %24;19.7 billion US, and its shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (BBD). Bombardier is listed as an index component to the Dow Jones Sustainability World and North America indexes. News and information are available at
CSeries and ECO4 are trademarks of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries.

Bombardier Inc.
Isabelle Rondeau
Director, Communications

Bombardier Inc.
Shirley Chenier
Senior Director, Investor Relations

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