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Information Technology

PwC e Startbooster con Startupbootcamp Amsterdam

Portano risorse di valore e la giusta expertise alle start up e a Startupbootcamp
Amsterdam, ( - comunicati stampa - information technology) - Startupbootcamp, l’acceleratore tecnologico paneuropeo, ha annunciato di aver raggiunto un accordo con PwC e Startbooster per il supporto del programma con lo stanziamento di competenze e risorse finanziario-organizzative.

PwC highly values the Startupbootcamp concept which makes it possible for the firm to be involved with high potential companies at their earliest stage. PwC will assist Startupbootcamp Amsterdam and the startups that participate in the programme on several levels including business planning and structure, financial and funding advice.

Startbooster is an online initiative that helps entrepreneurs and management teams to improve and enhance their (startup) business idea into a robust and therefore financeable business plan step by step. This will help bridge the gap in knowledge and understanding between the entrepreneurs and potential investors.

Startupbootcamp Amsterdam has requested admission finalists to use Startbooster to improve, complete and underpin their business concept as much as possible before coming to Amsterdam in March. By using Startbooster the finalists improve their start-up business concept to maximize their admission potential.

Patrick de Zeeuw, CEO of Startupbootcamp Amsterdam, sees clear benefits in PwC’s and Startboosters’ contribution to the initiative. “Startups face multiple challenges in the first phase of their existence, all of which impact their chances to success. Two key components are good financial housekeeping and organizational structure. PwC are experts on both topics and are able to guide companies along their entire lifecycle. Startbooster provides additional structure and insights that will prove beneficial to both startups and investors.”

Ilja Linnemeijer, partner responsible for the Technology practice at PwC The Netherlands underlines this is an important goal for the firm. “Amsterdam grows as a hot spot for tech talents and we wanted to make a contribution by adding our network and expertise to the mix. Within Amsterdam Startupootcamp, its ambition level, the people involved and the selection procedure we expect to encounter a number of talented tech teams. We‘d like to help them reach their full potential all along the way, as will we for Startupbootcamp Amsterdam.”

With this partnership Startupbootcamp Amsterdam adds two more core components to fulfill its ambitions. PwC and Startbooster find themselves in good company with Vodafone, ABN AMRO, Boer&Croon, VMW Taxand, AxiCom, Ymere, AIM, EFactor, Tripolis, Talents Media and Amigoo already having given their commitment to the accelerator program.

Startupbootcamp è un programma di accelerazione di start up paneuropeo, attualmente in essere a Copenhagen, Dublino (febbraio-maggio ’12), Amsterdam (aprile-giugno ’12) e presto ne verranno attivati a Londra e Berlino. Al momento sono aperte le iscrizioni per Startupbootcamp Amsterdam, con termine ultimo 12 febbraio 2012.

Startupbootcamp consiste in una rete di contatti e nel far parte di un ecosistema di start up internazionali che aiuteranno i partecipanti ad accelerare i tempi. Il programma non solo vanta una vasta rete di mentori, sponsor e investitori, ma anche ambassador che diffondono il concetto di Startupbootcamp in tutto il mondo. Per maggiori informazioni, visitare o Twitter: @SBootCamp

Chiara Possenti
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