Jyske Realkredit explores the possibilities of issuing a new euro denominated benchmark covered bond
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To Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S 31th of January 2025
Announcement no. 9/2025
Jyske Realkredit explores the possibilities of issuing a new euro denominated benchmark covered bond
Jyske Realkredit has mandated Jyske Bank, Danske Bank, Commerzbank, TD Securities and DekaBank to explore the possibilities of issuing a new euro denominated covered bond out of capital centre E. A benchmark transaction is expected to be launched.
Questions may be addressed to Anders Lund Hansen, Executive Vice President, tel. (+45) 89 89 92 20 or Christian Bech-Ravn, Head of Investor Relations, tel. (+45) 89 89 92 25.
The information will also be available on Jyske Realkredit's web site at jyskerealkredit.com.
Yours sincerely
Jyske Realkredit A/S
Please observe that the Danish version of this announcement prevails.

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