Bombardier Transportation festeggia 20 anni di successi in Messico

BERLINO, GERMANIA- (Marketwire - 16 maggio 2012) - Bombardier Transportation, leader globale della tecnologia ferroviaria, festeggia un'importante ricorrenza: i suoi 20 anni di presenza continua e fertile nell'industria manifatturiera ferroviaria messicana. Per l'occasione, Bombardier organizza un evento di anniversario alla presenza di rappresentanti di governo del Messico, del Canada e del Québec, nonché di clienti e rappresentanti sindacali e attori dello sviluppo economico...
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BERLINO, GERMANIA- (Marketwire - 16 maggio 2012) - Bombardier Transportation, leader globale della tecnologia ferroviaria, festeggia un'importante ricorrenza: i suoi 20 anni di presenza continua e fertile nell'industria manifatturiera ferroviaria messicana. Per l'occasione, Bombardier organizza un evento di anniversario alla presenza di rappresentanti di governo del Messico, del Canada e del Québec, nonché di clienti e rappresentanti sindacali e attori dello sviluppo economico locale.

In seno alla sua strategia di sviluppo nel paese, nel 1992, Bombardier scelse Ciudad Sahagun, Hidalgo, come sede dei suoi nuovi impianti locali specializzati nell'ideazione e costruzione di treni passeggeri, nella manutenzione post-vendita e nell'assistenza ai clienti. Bombardier ha successivamente rafforzato la sua presenza in Messico con l'acquisizione della Constructora Nacional de Carros de Ferrocarril S.A de C.V. (Concarril), azienda fabbricante di materiali rotabili presente nel settore fin dal 1952. Negli anni, l'impianto ha dato vita a diversi tipi di vetture su rotaia, comprese vetture per metropolitane, locomotive, treni regionali e sotto-insiemi.

Bombardier Transportation is the only rail company with integrated engineering and manufacturing capabilities in Mexico and leads the Mexican market with close to 70 per cent of all the rolling stock in operation.

Participating at the Bombardier in Mexico twentieth anniversary celebrations, Laurent Beaudoin, Chairman of the Board said: "Having been personally involved in the acquisition of Concarril in 1992, I am proud to celebrate this twentieth anniversary of our presence in Mexico. By this acquisition, Bombardier was able to expand in other business sectors in Mexico and contribute to the economy and create jobs in our different fields of expertise."

Bombardier's commitment to the Mexican market has been demonstrated over the last few years with millions of dollars invested in equipment, site upgrades, and training in its Mexican facilities. True to the company's vision, Bombardier Transportation in Mexico is committed to be an active and responsible corporate citizen in the communities where it is located. Together with the Government of the State of Hidalgo, Bombardier has participated in the BECATE program to help train welders, buyers and designers with the objective of integrating workers into Bombardier's specialized manufacturing processes. Bombardier Transportation has also established partnerships with leading Mexican universities, including Tecnologico de Monterrey.

"Through our development strategy in Mexico, we were engaged to develop strong roots in this country and were confident that we could rely on a determined and proud workforce. The first twenty years of operations have proved us right. Every day, we have vibrant examples of the Bombardier expertise and the Sahagun quality of work," said Raymond Bachant, President, Bombardier Transportation, North America.

About Bombardier Transportation in Mexico

Bombardier Transportation's Mexico main manufacturing site is located in Ciudad Sahagun, Hidalgo, 90 kilometres from Mexico City. With a skilled workforce of over 1,000 employees, this facility specializes in the manufacture and product introduction of passenger rail vehicles, as well as after-market maintenance and customer service. Bombardier also operates a manufacturing site in Tlanalapa and specializes in the manufacture of electric harnesses at its facility in Huehuetoca, State of Mexico.

About Bombardier Transportation

Bombardier Transportation, a global leader in rail technology, offers the broadest portfolio in the rail industry and delivers innovative products and services that set new standards in sustainable mobility. BOMBARDIER ECO4 technologies - built on the four cornerstones of energy, efficiency, economy and ecology - conserve energy, protect the environment and help to improve total train performance. Bombardier Transportation is headquartered in Berlin, Germany and has a very diverse customer base with products or services in more than 60 countries. It has an installed base of over 100,000 vehicles worldwide.

About Bombardier

Bombardier is the world's only manufacturer of both planes and trains. Looking far ahead while delivering today, Bombardier is evolving mobility worldwide by answering the call for more efficient, sustainable and enjoyable transportation everywhere. Our vehicles, services and, most of all, our employees are what make us a global leader in transportation.

Bombardier is headquartered in Montreal, Canada. Our shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (BBD) and we are listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability World and North America indexes. In the fiscal year ended December 31, 2011, we posted revenues of $18.3 billion USD. News and information are available at or follow us on Twitter @Bombardier.

Note to Editors

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Follow Bombardier Transportation on Twitter @BombardierRail.

BOMBARDIER and ECO4 are trademarks of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries.


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