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Tutors International Comments on When School Isn't the Right Choice for Teen Mental Wellness

Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) runs from 13 to 19 May 2024. Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) runs from 13 to19 May 2024. How are schools tackling student mental health? In the UK and US, particularly, student mental health is given far more attention than a generation ago. In both the US and the UK, mental health staff are being appointed in schools to lead comprehensive well-being programs, focused on fostering good mental health, identifying and supporting students in...
OXFORD, England, ( - comunicati stampa - istruzione e formazione)

Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) runs from 13 to 19 May 2024 .

In the UK and US, particularly, student mental health is given far more attention than a generation ago.

In both the US and the UK, mental health staff are being appointed in schools to lead comprehensive well-being programs, focused on fostering good mental health, identifying and supporting students in need, and collaborating with local mental health services.

But sometimes this isn't enough.


Depression and anxiety can affect all areas of a child's life, including sleep, diet, mental and physical health, and self-esteem. Students may be disengaged, struggle to form or maintain relationships with peers and teachers, and lose interest in future planning or activities they previously enjoyed. Importantly, anxiety and depression can impair working memory, making it difficult for students to retain new information or recall previously learned material.

By providing a safe, controlled environment tailored to a student's emotional and academic needs, homeschooling for a period of time can set a child back on a happier path.  The personalised attention from a homeschool tutor allows for a gentler pace of learning and in ways that reduce stress and anxiety about academic performance.

If peer pressure or friendship groups are the cause of the students' problems, removing the social pressures that comes with school can help students focus on learning without the fear of judgement or bullying.

Tutors International Education Manager, Nathaniel Hannan , who was a private tutor with Tutors International for many years, has plenty of experience with teenage mental health issues:

It's crucial for homeschooled students to still have opportunities for social interaction to develop and maintain social skills. Engaging in extracurricular activities, community programs, or homeschooling groups can provide these essential social experiences in a more controlled and supportive setting.

CEO and Founder of Tutors International, Adam Caller :

Educators and schools must be prepared to identify and address anxiety and depression among students, and provide the appropriate support. Early intervention can prevent the long-term consequences of untreated mental health issues, highlighting the importance of awareness and proactive measures in both traditional and homeschool settings.

Tutors International provides an unparalleled private tutoring service that matches the right private home tutor with the right child for the student to reach their personal potential and academic excellence fully. Delivering an international private tuition service for children of all ages at different points in their educational journeys, Tutors International is founded on a commitment to finding the perfect tutor to realise each student's specific goals and aspirations. Tutors are available for full-time residential positions, after-school assistance, and home-schooling .

Founded in 1999 by Adam Caller , Tutors International is a private company based in Oxford , a city renowned for academic excellence. Our select clientele receives a personally tailored service , with discretion and confidentiality guaranteed.

Phone: +44 (0) 1865 435 135

Tutors International
Prama House
267 Banbury Road
Oxford OX2 7HT

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