Vietnam Wheelchair Market [2028]: Top Trends, Size, and Competitive Intelligence - TechSci Research

The Vietnam wheelchair market is expected to grow at an impressive rate during the forecast period from 2024 to 2028
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According to the TechSci Research report titled “Vietnam Wheelchair Market - By Region, Forecast and Opportunities, 2018-2028F,” the Vietnam wheelchair market is expected to grow at an impressive rate during the forecast period from 2024 to 2028. The primary factors driving this growth include the rising prevalence of spinal cord injuries, an increasing geriatric population, recent commercialization of wheelchairs, and the prevalence of diseases among the youth. In Vietnam, the most common causes of paralysis were multiple sclerosis (18.6%), spinal cord injury (27.3%), and stroke (33.7%) in 2022. Additionally, the expansion of healthcare facilities by private and government organizations, increased investments in the healthcare sector, and rising patient awareness and advancements in basic wheelchairs are expected to influence market demand significantly.

Recent Trends in the Vietnam Wheelchair Market

Technological Advancements

The wheelchair market in Vietnam is witnessing significant technological advancements. Manufacturers are incorporating AI and other smart technologies into wheelchairs, improving their functionality and ease of use. Powered wheelchairs equipped with features like automated movement, obstacle detection, and voice control are becoming increasingly popular. These advancements not only enhance the user experience but also cater to the specific needs of individuals with severe mobility impairments, driving market growth.

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Rising Geriatric Population

Vietnam's aging population is another critical trend impacting the wheelchair market. With a growing number of elderly individuals, there is an increasing demand for mobility aids. The geriatric population often requires wheelchairs due to age-related conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and general decline in physical mobility. This demographic shift is expected to continue driving the demand for both manual and powered wheelchairs.

Growth in Healthcare Infrastructure

The expansion of healthcare infrastructure in Vietnam, including the establishment of new hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and specialized care facilities, is significantly contributing to market growth. These facilities often prescribe wheelchairs as part of the rehabilitation process or for long-term use. The improved accessibility and quality of healthcare services are creating more opportunities for wheelchair manufacturers and suppliers.

Government Initiatives and Support

The Vietnamese government has implemented various policies and programs to support individuals with disabilities. These initiatives include financial assistance programs and subsidies for purchasing assistive devices, including wheelchairs. By making wheelchairs more affordable and accessible, the government is fostering a supportive environment for market growth. Additionally, investments in healthcare infrastructure and rehabilitation centers are indirectly stimulating demand for wheelchairs.

Market Drivers

Rising Prevalence of Spinal Cord Injuries

The increasing incidence of spinal cord injuries in Vietnam is a significant driver for the wheelchair market. These injuries often result in permanent or temporary paralysis, necessitating the use of wheelchairs for mobility. Advances in medical care and rehabilitation are improving survival rates for individuals with spinal cord injuries, further driving the demand for wheelchairs.

Growing Geriatric Population

The rising number of elderly individuals in Vietnam is a key driver for the wheelchair market. As people age, they are more likely to experience mobility issues due to conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and general physical decline. This demographic shift is expected to significantly increase the demand for wheelchairs.

Commercialization of Wheelchairs

The commercialization of wheelchairs, including the introduction of advanced and customized models, is driving market growth. Manufacturers are focusing on developing wheelchairs that cater to the specific needs of different user groups, such as sports wheelchairs, pediatric wheelchairs, and bariatric wheelchairs. This diversification is expanding the market and attracting a broader customer base.

Increased Healthcare Investments

Increased investments in the healthcare sector by both private and government entities are boosting the wheelchair market. These investments are aimed at improving healthcare infrastructure, expanding medical facilities, and enhancing patient care services. As a result, more individuals have access to the medical care and mobility aids they need, including wheelchairs.

Rising Patient Awareness

Rising awareness among patients about the availability and benefits of advanced wheelchairs is contributing to market growth. Educational campaigns and outreach programs are informing individuals about their options for mobility aids, leading to higher adoption rates. This increased awareness is also driving demand for technologically advanced wheelchairs that offer enhanced functionality and comfort.

Market Challenges

High Cost of Advanced Wheelchairs

One of the major challenges facing the Vietnam wheelchair market is the high cost of advanced wheelchairs. High-quality and technologically advanced wheelchairs can be prohibitively expensive, making them inaccessible to a large segment of the population. Financial constraints and limited insurance coverage also make it challenging for many individuals to afford the necessary mobility aids, hindering market growth.

Lack of Awareness Among General Population

Despite the efforts to increase awareness, there remains a significant lack of knowledge among the general population about the availability and benefits of advanced wheelchairs. Many individuals are unaware of the options available to them, leading to underutilization of mobility aids. This lack of awareness is a barrier to market growth.

Limited Availability in Rural Areas

Access to wheelchairs and other mobility aids is often limited in rural areas of Vietnam. Healthcare facilities in these regions may not have the necessary resources or infrastructure to provide adequate support for individuals with mobility impairments. This disparity in access to healthcare services poses a significant challenge for the wheelchair market.

Market Segmentation

The Vietnam wheelchair market can be segmented by product type, category, application, end user, company, and region.

By Product Type

Manual Wheelchair

Manual wheelchairs are propelled by the user or an attendant and are generally more affordable than powered wheelchairs. They are suitable for individuals with sufficient upper body strength or those who require temporary mobility support. The manual wheelchair segment is expected to maintain a significant market share due to its affordability and widespread availability.

Powered Wheelchair

Powered wheelchairs are equipped with electric motors and are controlled by a joystick or other input devices. These wheelchairs are ideal for individuals with severe mobility impairments who cannot propel a manual wheelchair. The powered wheelchair segment is expected to dominate the market due to technological advancements and increasing demand for user-friendly mobility solutions.

By Category


The adult segment includes wheelchairs designed for individuals aged 18 and above. This segment is expected to dominate the market due to the high prevalence of mobility impairments among adults, particularly the elderly population. Adult wheelchairs are available in various types, including manual, powered, sports, and bariatric wheelchairs.


The pediatric segment includes wheelchairs designed for children and adolescents. These wheelchairs are tailored to meet the specific needs of younger users, including adjustable features and safety enhancements. The pediatric segment is expected to grow significantly due to increasing awareness and demand for specialized mobility solutions for children.

By Application

Basic Wheelchair

Basic wheelchairs are designed for general use and provide essential mobility support for individuals with temporary or permanent mobility impairments. These wheelchairs are typically affordable and widely available, making them a popular choice among users.

Bariatric Wheelchair

Bariatric wheelchairs are designed for individuals who require additional support due to their weight or size. These wheelchairs are built to accommodate higher weight capacities and provide enhanced stability and comfort. The bariatric segment is expected to grow as the prevalence of obesity and related health conditions increases.

Sports Wheelchair

Sports wheelchairs are specifically designed for athletic activities and sports. These wheelchairs are lightweight, durable, and equipped with features that enhance performance in various sports. The sports wheelchair segment is expected to grow due to increasing participation in wheelchair sports and the rising popularity of adaptive sports events.

By End User

Hospitals & Clinics

Hospitals and clinics are expected to dominate the Vietnam wheelchair market due to their access to advanced equipment and technology, experienced healthcare professionals, and comprehensive patient care services. These facilities often prescribe and provide wheelchairs as part of the treatment and rehabilitation process.

Rehabilitation Centers

Rehabilitation centers specialize in providing care and support for individuals recovering from injuries or surgeries. These centers often use wheelchairs as part of the rehabilitation process, making them a significant end user segment in the wheelchair market.

Home Care Settings

Home care settings include individuals who use wheelchairs for long-term mobility support at home. This segment is expected to grow as more people opt for home-based care and rehabilitation services, driven by the preference for a familiar and comfortable environment.

By Region

The Vietnam wheelchair market can be segmented into various regions, including the North, Central, and South regions. Each region has unique demographic and economic characteristics that influence the demand for wheelchairs.

North Region

The North region of Vietnam includes the capital city, Hanoi, and is characterized by a higher concentration of healthcare facilities and infrastructure. This region is expected to witness significant market growth due to the availability of advanced medical services and higher patient awareness.

Central Region

The Central region of Vietnam is known for its growing healthcare infrastructure and increasing investments in medical facilities. This region is expected to see steady market growth as healthcare services expand and patient awareness increases.

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