Convalidato l’arresto del giornalista Gershkovich

Il Tribunale Lefortovo di Mosca ha convalidato l'arresto del giornalista del Wall Street Journal, Evan Gershkovich, accusato di spionaggio che, a questo punto, sarà rinchiuso nel carcere di Lefortovo. È il sito indipendente di notizie Mediazona a rivelare l’evoluzione della vicenda che sta creando frizione fra Usa e Russia precisando (Secolo d'Italia)

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Tutti i cittadini americani che si trovano in Russia devono lasciare immediatamente il Paese. «Siamo profondamente preoccupati per le inquietanti notizie secondo cui Evan Gershkovich, un cittadino americano, è stato arrestato in Russia», scrive la portavoce della Casa Bianca, Karine Jean-Pierre, sottolineando che già da ieri sera funzionari dell'amministrazione sono in contatto con il Wall Street Journal e con la famiglia del giornalista. (Corriere del Ticino)

The recommended changes outlined by the White House try to put a clear blame on the Trump administration for weakening supervision of regional banks, issuing a fact sheet that said Biden’s predecessor “weakened many important common-sense requirements and supervision. (LaPresse)

citizen who has 5.4 million Twitter followers, was initially detained in late December in Romania’s capital Bucharest, along with his brother Tristan and two Romanian women Andrew Tate, the divisive internet personality who has spent months in a Romanian jail on suspicion of organized crime and human trafficking, has won an appeal to replace his detention with house arrest, an official said Friday. (LaPresse)

Prosecutors in New York investigated money paid to porn actor Stormy Daniels and ex-Playboy model Karen McDougal to keep the women from going public with claims that they had sex with him. (LaPresse)

“I confess it hurt me a lot, it damaged me,” López Obrador said before the trip. “It ripped my soul apart.” The president said the Ciudad Juarez fire was the second most painful moment of his administration, exceeded only by a 2019 pipeline fire in the central Mexico town of Tlahuelilpan that killed about 135 people (LaPresse)

Indo-Pacific strategy, a permanent diplomatic presence in Vanuatu would allow the U.S The Biden administration said Friday that the U.S. (LaPresse)