L’America scende in piazza per Tyre Nichols

Il video del pestaggio mortale di Tyre Nichols a Memphis documenta quella che è sostanzialmente l’aggressione di un branco. Fermato a 100 metri da casa per una presunta infrazione stradale il giovane viene immediatamente aggredito dagli agenti che imprecando lo tirano giù di forza dall’auto. Le botte iniziano da subito, poi scariche di taser. Terrorizzato Nichols tenta di fuggire. Viene nuovamente raggiunto poco lontano dove inizia un terrificante pestaggio da parte dei cinque agenti che a turno usano manganelli, calci e pugni per ridurre il ragazzo ventinovenne in fin di vita. (Il Manifesto)

Ne parlano anche altre fonti

Adam Schiff on Thursday in his 2024 bid for the seat now held by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, providing the long-serving incumbent doesn’t seek a seventh term, AP reports. (LaPresse)

A court in 2021 ordered the government to investigate in response to a legal challenge by Michael Gallagher, whose son Aiden was killed by the 225-kilogram (500-pound) bomb. Northern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris announced a judge-led independent probe of the 1998 car bombing in the town of Omagh that killed 29 people, including a woman pregnant with twins, and wounded hundreds more. (LaPresse)

According to AP, the revised standards for EV tax credits follow lobbying by automakers that had pressed the Biden administration to change vehicle definitions to allow higher priced vehicles to qualify. (LaPresse)

Santos was assigned to two fairly low-profile panels, the House Committee on Small Business and to the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee. Still, his arrival has left GOP leadership frequently anwering questions about the congressman rather than on their priorities for the coming months (LaPresse)

The finding is contained in a Commerce Department report released by the administration on Wednesday as President Joe Biden convened his competition council for an update on efforts to promote competition and lower prices, according to AP. (LaPresse)

Former pop star Gary Glitter was released from prison in England on Friday after serving half of a 16-year prison sentence for sexually abusing three young girls in the 1970s. (LaPresse)