Tyre Nichols, smantellata l’unità speciale “Scorpion”: ne facevano parte alcuni agenti che lo hanno pestato

Gli agenti coinvolti nel pestaggio sono tutti afroamericani, come la vittima. Licenziati, finora si sono dichiarati 'non colpevoli'. Alcuni di loro appartenevano all'unità speciale costituita nel 2021 e ora smantellata. Biden rilancia l'appello al Congresso affinché venga approvata la riforma della polizia bloccata dai repubblicani al Senato (Il Fatto Quotidiano)

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Northern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris announced a judge-led independent probe of the 1998 car bombing in the town of Omagh that killed 29 people, including a woman pregnant with twins, and wounded hundreds more. (LaPresse)

The finding is contained in a Commerce Department report released by the administration on Wednesday as President Joe Biden convened his competition council for an update on efforts to promote competition and lower prices, according to AP. (LaPresse)

Neighbors in San Francisco, Pelosi and Feinstein are personally close and have worked together for decades in Washington, suggesting her decision to back Schiff early in the campaign also carried with it a tacit nod from the senator Adam Schiff on Thursday in his 2024 bid for the seat now held by Sen. (LaPresse)

Former pop star Gary Glitter was released from prison in England on Friday after serving half of a 16-year prison sentence for sexually abusing three young girls in the 1970s. (LaPresse)

Still, his arrival has left GOP leadership frequently anwering questions about the congressman rather than on their priorities for the coming months Santos has faced numerous calls for his resignation and is facing multiple investigations by prosecutors over his personal and campaign finances and lies about his resume and family background. (LaPresse)

According to AP, the revised standards for EV tax credits follow lobbying by automakers that had pressed the Biden administration to change vehicle definitions to allow higher priced vehicles to qualify. (LaPresse)