New gun regulations on stabilizing braces targeted in court

The cases argue that millions of people have guns with the braces and use them to make firing “more accurate, and therefore safer,” according to a lawsuit filed on behalf of three veterans by the conservative Milwaukee-based Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty

Two lawsuits were filed in federal court in Texas against the move to treat the guns like short-barreled rifles, a weapon like a sawed-off shotgun that has been heavily regulated since the 1930s. (LaPresse)

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It was the fourth school in Mexico to suffer such incidents in the last year. Guanajuato Mayor Alejandro Navarro said the students were treated at the school, and urged parents to supervise their kids’ use of social media. (LaPresse)

The yearslong modernization of the Hudson project started in 2013 but stalled as Trump battled with Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer over funding for the project The Democratic president’s trip to New York City on Tuesday came on the heels of his stop Monday in Baltimore to highlight the replacement of an aging rail tunnel there, where he pledged that government spending on infrastructure will boost economic growth and create blue-collar jobs. (LaPresse)

Nelle ultime ore, finalmente, è stato pubblicato il trailer ufficiale della quinta stagione. Yellowstone, a breve la quinta stagione: tutti i dettagli delle nuove puntate. La quinta stagione di Yellowstone, come mostrato dal trailer distribuito da Sky, difficilmente deluderà il pubblico. (Tutto.TV)

Tsipras on Tuesday called for parliament to be dissolved immediately, allowing for the election to be held in three weeks — a demand the government swiftly rejected (LaPresse)

Jonas Mekas è largamente riconosciuto tra gli iniziatori del genere del film-diario Chi è Jonas Mekas. (Periodico Daily)

But it also reflected a years-long process that has turned the U.S. Speaking to reporters before returning to the U.S., Blinken said both sides had voiced their readiness to restore calm and that he had instructed two senior officials to remain in the region (LaPresse)