La Fed alza i tassi di interesse dello 0,25%

Wall Street Italia ECONOMIA

Come da attese, oggi Fed ha alzato i tassi di interesse dello 0,25%. Il costo del denaro, a questo punto, è salito in una forchetta compresa tra il 4,75% e il 5%. Con la mini-stretta la banca centrale statunitense ha confermato la propria determinazione nella lotta contro l’inflazione. Riviste al ribasso le stime di crescita per gli Stati Uniti per il 2023 e il 2024 rispettivamente al +0,4% e al +1,2%. (Wall Street Italia)

Se ne è parlato anche su altri giornali

European Union leaders endorsed a plan Thursday for sending Ukraine 1 million rounds of artillery ammunition within the next 12 months to help the country counter Russia’s invasion forces. (LaPresse)

North Macedonia has promised neighboring Bulgaria, an EU member since 2007, to add a reference in its constitution to the existence of an ethnic Bulgarian minority. “Now that the constitution must be changed, I can only encourage you to do so (LaPresse)

Ronaldo was benched in the knockout rounds in Qatar and left the field in tears after the defeat to Morocco. He had said his return to the national team was in doubt after the World Cup, but eventually decided it was not time “to throw in the towel. (LaPresse)

  After his interview broadcast on national television, critics attacked Macron, describing him as “self-satisfied,” “out of touch” and “offensive.” Some suggested that the president is playing with fire amid strikes and daily demonstrations, some leading to clashes with police. (LaPresse)

A first-in-the-nation bill to punish oil companies for profiting from price spikes at the pump breezed through the California Senate on Thursday at the urging of Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, the first major vote in an effort to pass the law by month's end. (LaPresse)

In the United States, the tumult has raised questions among policymakers about 2018 legislation that rolled back strict regulations put in place after the financial crisis. The poll suggests the U.S (LaPresse)