Russiagate, l’ex legale di Trump condannato a 3 anni: “Il mio lavoro era coprire i suoi affari sporchi”

La Stampa ESTERI

Michael Cohen, ex avvocato del presidente Donald Trump, è stato condannato a tre anni di carcere da un tribunale di New York. Cohen, ad agosto, si era dichiarato colpevole di otto capi d’accusa, tra cui quello di violazione delle leggi sul finanziamento delle campagne elettorali, relativo al… (La Stampa)

Su altri media

President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he was not concerned that he would get impeached and that payments made ahead of the 2016 election by his former personal attorney Michael Cohen to two women did not violate campaign finance laws. (

Close video The Rachel Maddow Show, 9/20/18, 9:45 PM ET Michael Cohen talked Trump, Russia with Mueller for hours:… Rachel Maddow relays reports from ABC News and the Wall Street Journal that Michael Cohen has spent hours talking with Robert Mueller about Russia and the Donald Trump operation... (