NASA awards Elon Musk’s SpaceX $69 million to fly a rocket into an asteroid

Elon Musk's SpaceX has been awarded a U.S. government contract to essentially play a real-life version of the arcade shooter game Asteroids (Los Angeles Times)

Su altre testate

SPACEX is reportedly installing Tesla Model S and X battery packs into its Starship MK1’s prototype, it has been announced. (

Profile of Elon Musk, who founded SpaceX with ambitions to explore Mars. (

Abbiamo chiesto a Didier Schmitt, dell'Esa, cosa ci riservi il futuro dell'esplorazione umana dello spazio. (

Of course it's about tweets. (Quartz)

NASA’S Apollo programme safely delivered the first man to the Moon in 1969 but moving forward the future of spaceflight rests in the hands of Elon Musk and SpaceX, the Chairman of Parliament for the world’s first space nation has claimed. (

The investigation shows a fixable problem, but don't count out on SpaceX flying astronauts in 2019. (Quartz)