Tesla Model 3 Takes #1 Spot In Dutch Auto Market

CleanTechnica ECONOMIA

Tesla Model 3 Takes #1 Spot In Dutch Auto Market. September 21st, 2019 by Maarten Vinkhuyzen. At the end of August, Tesla reached the #3 spot in terms of 2019 Dutch auto sales, as Zach wrote yesterday.

Naturally, I’m intrigued by the chance that the Model 3 could hold that #1 position until the end of the year.

That is a lot for the puny Dutch auto market.

Model sales of a few dozen a month were great in the rest of the world, and then the Outlander entered the Dutch market in October 2013.

And that also meant that the Tesla Model 3 became the #1 automobile overall on the Dutch market. (CleanTechnica)

Se ne è parlato anche su altri giornali

Having a big chunk of the sedan market probably isn't as beneficial as a smaller chunk of the SUV market," Brauer said. So to have a more affordable crossover relative to the Model X should be a positive for Tesla. (CNBC)

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