Fiat Chrysler mulls options to cut CO2 emissions in China after striking Tesla deal in Europe

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Automotive News Europe ECONOMIA

iat Chrysler Automobiles may transfer emissions through its Chinese partner in a bid to lower its fleet emissions in the world's biggest car market.

FCA has the possibility to transfer emissions through GAC and is looking into that option, Manley said. This kind of transfer is possible through a related parent company.

FCA plans to invest 9 billion euros by 2022 in hybrid and electric technology and launch 35 EVs and plug-in cars globally, according to its latest business plan. (Automotive News Europe)

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At the same time, we will optimize the options for compliance that the regulations offer," a Fiat Chrysler spokesperson said in an emailed statement. The Financial Times' report states that FCA will pay Tesla "hundreds of millions of euros" to make this happen. (CNET)