Here's what you'll get for your money in Pokémon Go's first paid-for global event

will be on offer?

It remains to be seen, for example, how lengthy the questline will be, and whether players will be required to complete more than the 10 raids they get passes for.

As with Go Fest quests, there's no time limit to complete the quest within the event timeframe, although this is encouraged.

Tickets grant access to the event's exclusive story questline which culminates in early access to Regigigas. (

La notizia riportata su altri media

Exeggutor di Alola, Mawile, Muk, Noctowl e Sableye; Livello 3: Aerodactyl, Raichu di Alola, Azumarill, Cacturne, Espeon, Ferroseed, Mantine, Medicham, Onix, Pelipper, Piloswine, Pinsir, Porygon, Scyther, Skarmory e Vaporeon;. (Pokémon Millennium)

Proprio oggi mercoledì 20 novembre 2019, infatti, si terrà la nuova Ora Leggendaria di Pokémon GO: il protagonista, forse per l'ultima volta, sarà il Leggendario Cobalion, della Quinta Generazione di Unima. (

Mr. Campos said his daughter immediately started to turn her car around when she saw that one of the robbers had a weapon. Detectives have not heard from the robbery victims, but they said that they had received several tips and were pursuing leads. (The New York Times)

Infine, come sempre, ricordiamo di utilizzare Pokémon con mosse superefficaci perché garantiscono un maggior danno del 60% rispetto alle altre mosse. ATTACCANTI. Regigigas è un Pokémon di tipo Normale, quindi ha debolezze alle mosse di tipo Lotta. (Pokémon Millennium)