Gli Stati Uniti tentano di riaffermarsi in Africa ma, nella sfida con Cina e Russia, gli americani sembrano ormai dover rincorrere gli avversari. La vicepresidente Kamala Harris è andata nel continente, dove rimarrà per sette giorni. Ghana, Tanzania e Zambia sono le tappe previste nel suo viaggio. Harris ha promesso investimenti mirati al sostegno economico e alla sicurezza dei Paesi africani. Si tratta del quinto esponente dell’amministrazione Biden in visita nel continente. (ByoBlu)

Se ne è parlato anche su altri media

and Africa propelled by innovation on the continent. With her visit to Cape Coast Castle, Harris was insisting on remembering the painful past even as she stood earlier Tuesday before a monument commemorating Ghana’s independence, envisioning a grand future between the U. (LaPresse)

It provided no details, including how long the 86-year-old pope would remain at the Gemelli hospital, other than to say the tests were “previously scheduled.” “The Holy Father has been at Gemelli since this afternoon for some previously scheduled checkups,” read the one-line statement from the Vatican spokesman. (LaPresse)

In the near future, “1 in 4 people on this earth will be on this continent,” Harris said during a conversation with reporters Vice President Kamala Harris has a favorite number on her trip to Africa, it's undoubtedly 19. (LaPresse)

A man wielding a large knife killed two Portuguese women and wounded several other people at an Ismaili Muslim center in Lisbon on Tuesday, authorities said. Police said they were investigating the stabbings as a possible terror act. (LaPresse)

lawmakers said Wednesday, releasing a two-year investigation that detailed the role employees at the embattled Swiss bank had in aiding tax evasion by clients. It said its findings show that more than $700 million was concealed in violation of the bank’s 9-year-old plea deal with the U. (LaPresse)

Gli Stati Uniti vogliono recuperare terreno in Africa, dove è forte l’influenza di Russia e Cina. La strategia di Biden si basa sull’alleggerimento del debito e sulle opportunità di finanziamento: in ballo ci sono i metalli per la transizione verde (Start Magazine)