Tutti i piani degli Usa per respingere Cina e Russia in Africa

Start Magazine ESTERI

Gli Stati Uniti vogliono recuperare terreno in Africa, dove è forte l’influenza di Russia e Cina. La strategia di Biden si basa sull’alleggerimento del debito e sulle opportunità di finanziamento: in ballo ci sono i metalli per la transizione verde Dopo la segretaria del Tesoro Janet Yellen e il segretario di stato Antony Blinken, anche la vicepresidente degli Stati Uniti Kamala Harris si recherà presto in Africa: questa settimana farà visita al Ghana, alla Tanzania e allo Zambia (Start Magazine)

La notizia riportata su altri giornali

The pope spent 10 days at the ... (LaPresse)

lawmakers said Wednesday, releasing a two-year investigation that detailed the role employees at the embattled Swiss bank had in aiding tax evasion by clients. It said its findings show that more than $700 million was concealed in violation of the bank’s 9-year-old plea deal with the U. (LaPresse)

A man wielding a large knife killed two Portuguese women and wounded several other people at an Ismaili Muslim center in Lisbon on Tuesday, authorities said. Police said they were investigating the stabbings as a possible terror act. (LaPresse)

La nuova "corsa all'Africa" è fra Usa, Cina e Russia. Il ministro degli Esteri russo ha compiuto il suo tour africano a gennaio. (La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana)

Washington is racing to build partnerships on the oldest inhabited continent with the youngest population, a test that could reshape the economy in Africa and, by extension, the rest of the world. In the near future, “1 in 4 people on this earth will be on this continent,” Harris said during a conversation with reporters (LaPresse)

With her visit to Cape Coast Castle, Harris was insisting on remembering the painful past even as she stood earlier Tuesday before a monument commemorating Ghana’s independence, envisioning a grand future between the U. (LaPresse)